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[EN] Intigriti's XSS challenge - 1221


December 30, 2021

Challenge 1221 page

Challenge rules

On the 20th December 2021 Intigriti launched a new XSS challenge, created by @E1u5iv3F0x. The goal is to find a way to execute arbitrary javascript on the page.

As we can see on the image above, the solution should comply with the following rules:

  • work on the latest version of Chrome and FireFox,
  • execute alert(document.domain),
  • leverage a cross site scripting vulnerability on,
  • not be self-XSS or related to MiTM attacks.

Let the fun begin! 🙂

Finding XSS

The challenge page says to test our payloads on so let’s go there. challenge 1221 1 challenge 1221 2

If we put any value in the payload query parameter, the challenge page will reflect Referer header in the response inside html comment. challenge 1221 3

As you can see on the above image, Referer is empty. To inject a referer containing any data we want (i.e. in the url parameters), we need to:

  • first open the url containing our payload
  • and then, submit a html form with any value in the payload field. In this case, the browser will fill Referer header for us and its value will be equal to the URL of the page that makes the request. challenge 1221 4

We now know how to inject arbitrary data into the challenge page. Now, we need to find a way to inject an xss payload. Unfortunatelly, we cannot easily inject xss payloads containing < and > characters because they will be html-encoded in the page response.

Luckly, the server interprets fullwith less-than sign (%ef%bc%9c in url-encoding) and fullwidth greater-than sign (%ef%bc%9e in url-encoding) as typical less-than and greater-than html characters respectively. Because of this, we can inject an xss payload using these two characters instead of the regular < and >.

Therefore our payload is as follows: --%ef%bc%9e%ef%bc%9cimg%20src=1%20onerror=alert(document.domain)%ef%bc%9e

Executing alert

The steps to execute alert(document.domain) are as follows:

  1. Open the url in Chrome or Firefox:
  1. Enter any text into the payload input (i.e. a) and click Submit
  2. Javascript will execute and alert(document.domain) will pop up :)
challenge 1221 5
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